Congress Chair: Thanasis Georgas

Congress Co-Chair: Maria Korre


Thursday, 24/9

13.30-15.00 Registrations

 15.00-15.15 Welcoming : Thanasis Georgas (president of the Hellenic Society of Daseinsanalysis)

Ado Huygens (president of the International Federation of Daseinsanalysis)

 15.15-16.15 Ado Huygens: “Da” as a threefold existential in-between

16.15-16.45 coffee break

 16.45-17.15  Alice Holzhey: A plea for a more rational attitude in contemporary Daseinsanalysis

17.15-17.45  Carlos Carvalho Freire: The Main Commitment of a Daseinsanalist

 17.45-18.15 Coffee Break

 18.15-19.45 Reflection of the Greek Society:

“Daseinsanalysis: with Socrates and beyond Socrates”

Maria Korre

Eleni Kouloutzou

Stamatina Rapti

Rozita Christofideli

Hlias Katsamas

Eleni Miggou

Coordinator: Thanasis Georgas

Friday, 25/9

9.00-9.30 Registrations

 Chairman:  Hansgeorg Reck

9.30-10.00:   Anastasios Dimopoulos: Is there such an entity as a Daseinsanalyst?

10.00-10.30:  Hans-Dieter Foerster: Breakthrough to the Essence from the Daseinsanalytic Point of View. An example from practice

10.30-11.00:  Ales and Sarka Wotruba: Two fundamental stances of a Daseinsanalyst: “vor” and “einspringend Fürsorge” in the psychotherapeutic praxis

11.00- 11.30 coffee break

 Chairman:  Tamás Fazekas

11.30-12.00:  Josef Jenewein: Daseinsanalysis and psychooncology

12.00-12.30:  Marina Genova: Ageing: reflections from the perspective of Daseinsanalysis

12.30-13.00:  Lucie Vacková: Daseinsanalytical group work with children as a way to awake their potentialities for love, action, and creation


13.00-15.30 lunch break

 Chairman:  Maria de Fatima de Almeida Prado

15.30-16.00:  Charlotte Spitzer: Being a Daseinsanalyst –      Questions to a path of life

16.00-16.30:  Roland Strobl: There’s no healing without love

16.30-17.00:  Uta Jaeni> 

a)What makes «existential» a therapy?

b)What could be the specificities of Daseinsanalysis ?

Alice Holzhey

Anthony Stadlen

Hansgeorg Reck

Tamás Fazekas

Josef Jenewain

Thanasis Georgas

Maria de Fatima de Almeida Prado

 Coordinator: Ado Huygens


21.00 GALA: New Meuseum of Acropolis



Saturday, 26/9

Chairman: Maria Korre

9.30-10.00:  Kriton Christianopoulos: Daseinsanalysis and the Phenomenology of Lyotard

10.00-10.30:  Danielle Pisani de Freitas: Reflexions about the experience of language in Daseinsanalyse

 10.30-10.45 coffee break

 10.45-11.15:  Anna Hogenova: Time and Dasein

11.15-11.45:  Mo Mandić: Formal Indication: The Question of Method in Existential-Phenomenological Psychotherapy

 11.45-12.00 coffee break

 12.00-13.30  Anthony Stadlen and “Inner Circle Seminars” meet “Zollikon Seminars”

Discussion partners: Dr. Alice Holzhey and Dr. Dimitris Yfantis (the translator of Zollikon Seminars in Greek)

The “Zollikon Seminars” delivered between 1959 and 1969 by Martin Heidegger at the home of Medard Boss in Zollikon near Zürich. The topic of the seminars was Heidegger's ontology and phenomenology as it pertained to the theory and praxis of medicine, psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapy. The protocols of the seminars, along with correspondences between Heidegger and Boss, were published in German in 1987. The English version of the text was published in 2001.

The “Inner Circle Seminars” were founded by Anthony Stadlen in 1996 as an existential, phenomenological search in psychotherapy. They have been described by Thomas Szasz as "Institute for Advanced Studies in the Moral Foundations of Human Decency and Helpfulness".

  13.30-14.00 ending


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